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How will a singer survive the lockdown?

No shows, cafe/pub gigs, video shoots.

Everywhere you go - online, television, print, everyone's asking you to stay at home. But what if you're a singer who does shows for a living and you don't have money.

Well basically, me.

Not only am I not making any money, I'm paying loans, EMIs, rent for a house I'm not even staying in. I'm this close to losing my mind before losing everything.

So, how am I keeping it altogether?

Well, for starters, ABUNDANT FAITH

I am very proud of what I've been able to achieve based on pure unbridled, unapologetic and frankly unsettling amounts of faith. I've been pushed to my limits time and time again. Seen the worst of times, in all aspects - financial (Sold my bike, let go of my previous apartment in Parel), mental (numerous heartaches, deaths, homelessness, death threats), physical (semi paralysis, face burnt to a crisp THRICE).

And yet, I keep chugging along. I am quite proud of that. I've been able to learn from my mistakes and move past all that and I continue to challenge myself and find new creative ways to sustain and grow as an individual.

Stop knocking on that same door

Find a backdoor, climb up and open that window, go down the proverbial chimney, etc.

If live gigs aren't happening at cafes, find online gigs, private gigs. You're still a legit musician. Share your craft, your knowledge and experience and help others grow.

Clean your closet

There are a hundred things you don't need that lying there collecting dirt. What about that loop pedal you bought but never used. And that old guitar. Give it to someone if no-one's buying it. Make space so you can focus on the important things, think about what to do and make space for future abundance.

And you gotta get the vacuum cleaner running on your mental and spiritual closet too. When you had shows, gigs, your growth was probably stunted. Same songs, same styles, just getting by. Now is the time to get inspired. Work on new compositions, learn a new instrument, start producing, writing or DJaying even.

If you're a half decent musician, you're already better than 80% of DJs out there playing with buttons, knobs and just playing someone else's ripped mix.

Reboot time

To me, sometimes I feel I've entered a time machine - Spending time with my family, reading, watching television. While there is no earning, I'm glad that I'm around people I love, soaking in them good vibes, being young and free to create, to discover new things. Things like starting a website, writing articles, making funny covers on Instagram, chatting up with school, college buddies. Time to take a breather and give your mind and body rest.

Although you can take coding lessons, dance classes online to help out your fellow artists.

It's an exceptionally hard time for everyone, but bird's eye view, you'll always see others suffering a lot more than you. Count your blessings, be kind to others. Welcome every morning with gratitude and find new ways to add meaning to your life.

I'd love to know your ideas, let me know in the comments below or write to me at or just leave a message here


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